I'm never 100% certain that the sun'll come out tomorrow. Annie could be wrong! She was a little fucking girl for christsakes!

It's been raining here for the last two weeks so I haven't had good sunlight to take a decent photo of the finished re-painting, but the sun finally came out and I'm happy to report that I'M FUCKING DONE. It really is ridiculous how much time I am willing to spend on trying to save some sinking ship of a painting. At least after all this I have another piece for my portfolio!  Oh yeah, this one was already in it, I just fancied it up a bit. So after a month and a half this brings the number of finished pieces in my portfolio to a grand total of...THE SAME GODDAMN NUMBER AS BEFORE!  Fuck.



Anyway. As you can see from my super-handy before and after photos, things have brightened up quite a bit and  (though it seems unlikely) everything seems to be a bit more cheerful. Lord knows the little marshmallow monster things are happier and cuter than those rotten old teeth could ever be. It's not like I really changed the painting all that much, but it's closer to what I was aiming for originally. This was one of the first pieces that I did on canvas and I just didn't have the skills to make it come out right. Too dark. No movement. Poor depth.

hmmn...Pretty much a review of my life as well as the painting.

When I was originally designing this piece I saw the teeth moving around her as she stood looking at us, but that didn't really come across as well as expected. It seemed more like they were hovering. I tried to use the same positioning as a starting point for the creatures' placement and then adjust from there so whatever good parts of the painting there were would survive the transformation. Now, not only are her little friends are really moving  around, but I got to draw a shitload more teeth as well!  I might have a bit of a teeth fetish, but I might also just be a guy that really, really. really likes to look at certain kinds of teeth.

